
There’s something I’d like you to know about what I mean when I tell you I am doing well. I mean that yesterday, when I felt the surge of anxiety as I listened to my…


We met dancing, but didn’t properly meet until she friended me on Facebook. We called her ‘Vege’ in dance class, because she was from Australia and thus liked Vegemite. I didn’t know her real name…

Playground (Sept 2016)

I feel so at peace when we have the playground to ourselves. I watch her climb stairs, alternating feet like it hasn’t been mere months since she was taking stairsĀ one foot at a time. She…

The Day After, 2016.

Yesterday I woke up, saw a beautiful sunrise and had a great feeling of hope. I walked my girl to school and then went to work and truly felt the privilege of getting to do…


I’m not a big consumer of ‘stuff’. I don’t like shopping. I like to get by with what I have. I get anxious about the waste created when it’s time to get rid of things….